Saturday, June 18, 2011

I've been bad...

So, I haven't been sticking to the Abc diet too stricktly for past week. But I'm starting it up again tomorrow. I'll be back to daily post again too. Buh-bye!
Zac Zipper

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 5 (Hello, hipbones, longtime no see.)

I'm excited, because when I lie down, my hipbones stick out! yay! Although I've only had the right amount of calories twice... Whatever, I'm so happy!

But, I did mess up today. Bad. There were Oreo's, LOTS of Oreo's. But I can walk it off! Here's too a 200 calorie tomorrow!!!Bye ;)
-Zac Zipper

Saturday, June 11, 2011

day three (hilton hotel) EDIT:ment to be posted days ago but was saved to drafts

Hello! I'm at a hotel, with some friends, we chatted with random people online for sooo long. I got a minute to log cuz they're doing some palm reading thing on the bed

Friday, June 10, 2011

day 3 (Back on track!)

Okay so I'm back home and on ABC diet again. So far I haven't eaten anything, and just logged on to check today's calories. I'll update later. Bye!
Zac Zipper

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

break....(aka I fucked up)

so yeah, I'm on my class trip. There's lots of food, and adults pretty much hover over you as you eat it. So, I'm taking a break from the ABC Though, I will try and stay under 500 clas.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

day 2.2 (slacked a little...)

40. 40 cals over. It was the ice cream.
Today, I invited some friends over, and we when for a walk around my town (we usually do active things, play sports or jog, stuff like that). It was a long walk so I burned some cals, but when we got back my mom made this pizza stuff, and I only ate half (go will power!). Then, after we all had ice cream, I assumed it was 100 per serving because we had another kind that was 100, but no, when I checked it was 140. So, I went over again today, but not as bad as yesterday. It's okay though, I'll just work out an extra hour a little more tonight. I'm just worried about one thing, tomorrow I leave for my class trip (we're going to washington d.c, yay!) and we are going to be eating at a lot of restaurants, (on the first night we go to the hardrock cafe.) I won't be able to count my calories there, so I'll stick to salad stuff. When I'm there I will be able to blog, laptops are aloud. bye now, I have to go pack,( and stay out of the kitchen), night-night!
-Zac Zipper

day 2 (fuck)

Yesterday, I binged. It sucked, but at least it wasn't to bad, just about 280 cals. over. Now I have a new plan, I'll eat a LITTLE bit of all my meals, and be less hungry. I hope it works. So far today I've had 1/2 a cup of cheerios (68 cals.) w/ 1/2 a cup of soy milk (50 cals.). Bringing my to to 118, this was breakfast and lunch, so yeah. blog again  later!!
-Zac Zipper

Saturday, June 4, 2011

day 1.2 (Info about me)

Hello, there! It's been now 1:20 pm, so I thought now would be a good time to post again. Still sick, and I haven't eaten a thing! My plan is to use all of today's calories on dinner, and just not not eat until then. I haven't really done anything today, except sleep, sneeze, and waste time online. I'll tell you some stuff about me so you can get a better idea of who I am:
 1) I'm a cutter, it's just something I do. I'm not some crybaby-emo who does it for attention. Honestly, I didn't even know it was a "thing" until after I had been doing it for a few years. I try not to make a big deal out of it, because it doesn't rule my life.
2) I'm going to a private boarding school next year, and I'm not sure if it will make things easier or harder.
3) I live with my mom (at the moment), just my mom. My dad is "out of the picture".
4) My mom used to be bulimic, I know this because one time when I went to the doctor she mentioned something about how I eat a lot of food, and told me about it. At the time, I was just hungry a lot.  It bugs me how she couldn't just *talk* to me about it, but had to wait until we were in the doctors office.
5) I hate putting up with moody people. You know, those girls whose opinions of you change daily? I can't stand it! Sadly, that is how all the girls in my class act, so I learn to deal.
-Zac Zipper ;)

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 1

Welcome! This is day ONE of my blog and "new diet". It is 1:10 AM, and I should be sleeping since I have to get up at 5AM tomorrow in four hours. So, I've heard some good things about this ABC diet, and I'm going to try it. Though, I'm sick and coughing my lungs out, I am NOT using it as an excuse. I'm really doing this, and I will get thin. Night Night!
-Zac Zipper
P.S I'll post again later after I eat and work out and stuff. Also, the chick below is not me, just a little thinspo :)