Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 5 (Hello, hipbones, longtime no see.)

I'm excited, because when I lie down, my hipbones stick out! yay! Although I've only had the right amount of calories twice... Whatever, I'm so happy!

But, I did mess up today. Bad. There were Oreo's, LOTS of Oreo's. But I can walk it off! Here's too a 200 calorie tomorrow!!!Bye ;)
-Zac Zipper


  1. Hi! I've been running around blogger looking for people to be support/be supported by, so I'm following you now- I hope that that is Ok! Good attitude, and congrats on the hip bones!

  2. yeah, that happened to me too on the ABC diet - I was DREADFUL, I hardly ever stuck to the right amount of calories. But after about 2 weeks, I'd lost about half a stone - no, doesn't seem like like much, considering it was 2 weeks - but it was the only time I'd EVER lost ANYTHING. I might start this again actually - wanna loose another 7lbs.

  3. hey, would you want to be anabuddies with me?
