Saturday, June 4, 2011

day 1.2 (Info about me)

Hello, there! It's been now 1:20 pm, so I thought now would be a good time to post again. Still sick, and I haven't eaten a thing! My plan is to use all of today's calories on dinner, and just not not eat until then. I haven't really done anything today, except sleep, sneeze, and waste time online. I'll tell you some stuff about me so you can get a better idea of who I am:
 1) I'm a cutter, it's just something I do. I'm not some crybaby-emo who does it for attention. Honestly, I didn't even know it was a "thing" until after I had been doing it for a few years. I try not to make a big deal out of it, because it doesn't rule my life.
2) I'm going to a private boarding school next year, and I'm not sure if it will make things easier or harder.
3) I live with my mom (at the moment), just my mom. My dad is "out of the picture".
4) My mom used to be bulimic, I know this because one time when I went to the doctor she mentioned something about how I eat a lot of food, and told me about it. At the time, I was just hungry a lot.  It bugs me how she couldn't just *talk* to me about it, but had to wait until we were in the doctors office.
5) I hate putting up with moody people. You know, those girls whose opinions of you change daily? I can't stand it! Sadly, that is how all the girls in my class act, so I learn to deal.
-Zac Zipper ;)

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